Workshop Program

Workshop Program

Performative Puppetry Workshop

Extensive 1 to 5 days workshop around theater object, puppet, how to utilize body through and with puppet in creating possibilities in performative performance. 

For teenagers and above

Participant: 5-15 People

Shadow Puppet Workshop

Shadow puppet workshop is a puppetry workshop that explores light manipulation, creating objects from flat paper and bringing everyday objects to project certain shadows to convey stories.

For All Ages

Participant: 5-30 People

Object Manipulating Workshop

This is a workshop to delve into making an object or puppet believable on the stage. Using everyday objects, fabric, paper, and other easy to find material to get to know the basis of puppet theater.

For All Ages

Participant: 5-30 People

Puppetry Jubilee

Puppetry Jubilee is a beginner level puppet workshop that centers around the activities in making and creating objects or puppets from everyday objects and craft materials. 

For All Ages

Maximum participant: 30 people

Past Workshops

Past Workshops

Puppet Making Workshop, CreArt 2023, Jakarta, Indonesia


Puppet as Partner - Puppetry as Means of Relating and Communicating, ISI Yogyakarta, Conservation and Performing Arts Program by Leipzig University


Naah, Canasta Creative Space, Bali


Workshop Manipulating, Greenhost Hotel Yogyakarta


Shadow Puppet Workshop, Universitas Sanata Dharma, Yogyakarta


Shadow Puppet Workshop, Pontianak


Puppet Theatre and Performance Poliner, ArtJog Yogyakarta


Kalla Youth Fest, Makassar


After Earthquake Relief, Workshop for Artists and Teachers, Lombok Utara
