Pieces of Reminiscence portrays the surreal impact of societal and cultural expectations, delving into the genuine difficulties and standards confronted by women in the present day. Originally premiered at the International Puppet Theatre Festival “Pesta Boneka” in Yogyakarta and subsequently refined and restaged at Helateater 2023 Jakarta, and later at Pesta Raya 2023 Esplanade in Singapore, this production explores puppetry made from rattan, used fabric, manipulating objects and actors to convey candid and intimate tale.
This performance narrates the life of an old woman who is lost in the recesses of her own thoughts and memories. As she tries to find her keys, she uncovers scattered recollections and long-buried aspirations hidden within drawers, recognizing the societal influences that molded her. What are the choices that she would choose if she had the chance? From her upbringing to her occupation and life partner, she reflects on the pressures that guided her decisions.
Directed by:
Meyda Bestari, Jefri Mugiono
Produced by:
Flying Balloons Puppet
Artistic Director:
Trexorier/Khoirul Anwar
Music/Sound Design:
Meyda Bestari, Maisyarah Mazlan, Rangga Dwi A
Funded by:
Flying Balloons Puppet, Komunitas Salihara, Esplanade Singapore
Performed in
Version 1 “Wanita Tua dan Tikus Penghuni Lemari” :
Papermoon Puppet Studio, 2022
Version 2 “Jalinan Kusam di Lemari Sosi” : Pesta Boneka 2022, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Version 3 “Jalinan Kusam di Lemari Sosi”: Teater Objek for Helateater Salihara, Jakarta, Indonesia, 2023
Version 4 “SOSI: Pieces of Reminiscences” : Malay Arts Festival, Esplanade Singapore, 2023