"Pongo Abelii" emerged from the portrayal of orangutan experiences in Indonesia, stemming from four widely publicized events. These include a forest fire that forced them to abandon their habitats with uncertainty, instances of orangutan mothers being killed and their offspring taken away. These occurrences, predominantly in Kalimantan, motivated our creation. Our performance seeks to offer a different viewpoint, not from the human observers or participants, but from the emotional aspect of losing what we define as ‘home’.
Directed by:
Rangga Dwi Apriadinnur
Produced by:
Flying Balloons Puppet
Artistic Director:
Trexorier/Khoirul Anwar
Music/Sound Design:
Rangga Dwi A, Jefri Mugi, Khoirul Anwar, Yunita Nursafitri, Maisyarah Mazlan, Meyda Bestari
Funded by:
Flying Balloons Puppet, George Town Festival 2019, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan
Performed in
Helutrans, Yogyakarta, 2019
George Town Festival, Penang Malaysia, 2019
WP Puppet Power, Canada, 2020
Solo International Performing Arts, Online, 2020 with title “Unknown Territory”
Parade Seni Pertunjukan Media Baru by Garin Workshop, Online, 2020, with title “PONGO”